James S Lau
Author, artist, strategy consultant
I help organisations grow, increase profitability, and foster innovation that empowers their people. As an author, I’ve written three books that foster resilience, spark curiosity, and encourage creative thinking.Check them out:

The Thumping
Behind every argument, stressful thought, and woeful act lies fear. Overcoming it isn’t about ignoring our gut feelings but learning to distinguish the rational from the irrational.Writing The Thumping not only helped me sleep better, but it also allowed me to become a parent, worry less about money, increase my influence with clients, overcome grief, and avoid what I call 'fear-injury'. Most importantly, it has helped me empower others to do the same.
What is at the edge of the universe
What is at the edge of the universe? Is it the sound of the Big Bang? A giant lever, or maybe an alien spaceship parking lot?The question first came to me on a flight halfway across the world, and 20 years later, it has grown into a collection of playful cartoons.I'm most proud of this book because it playfully invites readers of all ages to embrace curiosity and creative thinking.

Too Cool To Wait
Life unfolds in three acts: Act I—grow, make mistakes, fall in love, and find your place in the world. Act II—chase success, reach the top of your game, shape the world around you. Act III? Well, I'm not so sure anymore.In 2023, I embarked on a solo trip to Japan, hoping to gain perspective. Along the way, I encountered old friends, grandmasters, a gunfight, and much more—but did I find the answers I was searching for?This book is for travellers, aspiring artists, and those contemplating their own third act.